Multimedia Producer

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Related roles: Multimedia Specialist, Multimedia Coordinator, Multimedia Content Creator, Multimedia Manager, Multimedia Designer,News Producer, Producer


Similar Titles

Multimedia Specialist, Multimedia Coordinator, Multimedia Content Creator, Multimedia Manager, Multimedia Designer, News Producer, Producer

Job Description

A multimedia producer spearheads and oversees the production of digital content, ensuring to convey the brand's message and purpose.

Job Responsibilities
  • Typically in charge of making decisions, their responsibilities include developing storylines and concepts, setting goals and objectives, managing budgets and schedules, coordinating designers and artists, supervising the performance of all team members, and assisting staff as needed.
  • Furthermore, a multimedia producer must monitor the progress of the projects and inspect the quality of production, all while adhering to the client or the company's vision and mission.
Education and Training Needed
  • Some Multimedia Producers have a bachelor’s in graphic design, multimedia studies, video production or digital media. However, a degree is not required for every job opening nor for self-employed or freelance workers
  • They must be very familiar with digital video tools and often graphic design, animation, or photography
  • Common college courses include: 3D Computer Animation, Documentary Film and Video, Film Appreciation, Fundamentals of Multimedia, Game Programming, Interactive Multimedia, New Media Ethics, and Video Production
  • Multimedia Producers use a range of software for adding and editing photos, video, audio, and animation. Common programs include:
    • Adobe Creative Cloud 
    • After Effects 
    • Audition
    • Illustrator
    • InDesign 
    • Photoshop
    • Premiere Pro
    • Audacity  
    • Camtasia Studio 
    • Media Monkey
    • Movie Studio 365
    • Panopto Recorder 
    • Picasa
  • Workers in this field may complete ad hoc courses or certifications to learn applicable software. They must also know how to use hardware such as computers, cameras, microphones, webcams, and headsets
  • Don’t neglect your soft skills! Multimedia Producers must collaborate with other creatives and be able to work effectively as a team
Things to do in High School and College
  • Stock up on courses in art, graphic design, digital media, drawing, photography, and audiovisual technologies
  • Participate in your school’s audiovisual club or start your own projects. Get experience collaborating with others and managing projects 
  • Volunteer to create or give multimedia presentations 
  • Learn how to use online collaboration tools, for projects being done remotely
  • Become familiar with popular online or mobile platforms including Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Vevo
  • Apply for multimedia internships in your local area or that can be done remotely
  • Sign up for standalone multimedia courses such as Video for Content Creators from edX and UC Berkeley
  • Look for Multimedia Producers to conduct informational interviews with
  • Check out Coursera’s Search Engine Marketing courses
  • Engage in online discussion forums so you can ask questions and share advice
How to land your 1st job
  • There is no single roadmap to becoming a Multimedia Producer. Many start out working their way up within small studios, independent filmmaking operations, design firms, marketing agencies, or educational institutions
  • Stay open-minded! There is a wide range of employers who hire Multimedia Producers. Don’t limit yourself to only one field 
  • Be persistent when applying for Multimedia Producer internships and jobs
  • For those without a degree, be sure you have a solid understanding of the various digital tools used plus plenty of relevant work experience 
  • Create an online portfolio of your work with notes on your work process
  • Finding the best jobs in this field may depend on “who you know,” so work on expanding your network and engage it as you search for opportunities 
  • Consider relocating to states where there are more entertainment-related jobs, such as California, New York, and Washington DC. If focusing more on multimedia presentation jobs, consider states like Nevada and Florida where large trade shows are often held
  • Check out job portals such as Indeed, Simply Hired, and Glassdoor
  • Ask teachers if they have insights, tips, or connections to help you find work
  • Keep in touch with professors, former bosses, and co-workers who might serve as personal references 
  • Review Multimedia Producer resume templates and interview questions so you’ll be fully prepared
  • Dress sharply for job interview success! 
Recommended Resources


  • American Cinema Editors
  • Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers 
  • Digital Media Association
  • EditFest
  • International Federation of Multimedia Associations
  • International News Media Association
  • Motion Picture Editors Guild
  • News Media Alliance
  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies



Online Courses and Tools

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Annual Salary Expectations


New workers start around $62K. Median pay is $86K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $124K.

Source: State of California, Employment Development Department

Annual Salary Expectations


New workers start around $97K. Median pay is $137K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $181K.

Source: State of California, Employment Development Department

Annual Salary Expectations


New workers start around $73K. Median pay is $94K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $131K.

Source: State of California, Employment Development Department

Annual Salary Expectations


New workers start around $56K. Median pay is $73K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $109K.

Source: State of California, Employment Development Department